An Evening With Geoffrey Baer $1,000+ Sponsorship
April 4 6 8 p.m.
Mayslake Peabody Estate Oak Brook

Popular WTTW host, producer, and writer Geoffrey Baer explores historic architecture, namesake families, and local characters through stories about DuPage forest preserves. This ticketed event accommodates 150 guests. Marketing begins in December, and ticket sales open in January.

Native Plant Presale & Sale $500 Sponsorship
May 16 3– 6p.m.
Mayslake Peabody Estate Oak Brook

Hundreds of native plant enthusiasts shop a three-day event for grasses, wildflowers, and shrubs adapted to DuPage soils and weather conditions. Marketing begins in March, and presale ticket sales open in April.

Nature After Hours  NEW $500 Sponsorship
June 20 4 7 p.m.
Herrick Lake Forest Preserve Wheaton

Network with our community partners outdoors! Hike, kayak, and more at this free event while discovering how partnerships make a difference for nature. Marketing begins in April and invitations extended in May.

A Night for Nature $1,000+ Sponsorship
Sept. 12 5 8:30 p.m.
St. James Farm Warrenville

Celebrate wildlife and wild areas of DuPage of DuPage forest preserves. This signature event, complete with music, drinks and hors d’oeuvres, attracts between 150 200 nature enthusiasts. Or consider sponsoring our duck race with a $500 grand, second-, or third-place prizes. Community partners' marketing begins in June, and ticket sales open July 1.

Sponsorship BENEFITS



Recognition in the Friends' annual reportNameName
Recognition in the Conservationist

Name announced or featured at sponsored event

Invitation to "Nature After Hours"

Opportunity to provide in-kind item for an auction, raffle prize, or swag bag

Opportunity to share a sample or coupon with event guests


Complimentary admission to your sponsored event


Suggested Amounts
Suggested Amounts
Suggested Amounts
Suggested Amounts

I'd like to make an additional donation.



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