Willowbrook Wildlife Center Master Plan Improvements Phase 2

The Forest Preserve District's Master Plan identifies key priorities to protect and restore natural resources, improve recreational experiences, and invest in existing mission-aligned facilities.

As part of the Willowbrook Wildlife Center’s* master plan, the District is constructing a new 27,000-square-foot wildlife rehabilitation clinic and visitor center. The facility is being built as our first net-zero designed building, which means the energy produced from renewable resources exceeds the energy consumed by the building. 

The new clinic will provide the space and equipment staff and volunteers need to administer species-specific care. The new visitor center will feature educational exhibits about the wildlife-rehabilitation process and promote how to attract and live in harmony with native wildlife.

Your gift will help to support wildlife rehabilitation, purchase medical equipment and supplies, and advance nature education in our community.

* Willowbrook Wildlife Center is now known as the DuPage Wildlife Conservation Center at Willowbrook Forest Preserve.

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